DIY Emergency Kit

Are you the clumsy girl that always has some sort of injury? Are you the girl that always forgets that one crucial item or the one who gets caught in some type of “emergency?

Living in a fast-paced world and attempting to do multiple things at once, it’s inevitable to forget things every once in a while, but that’s what an emergency kit is for! From tampons to chapstick, a mini sewing kit, Band-Aids, facial oil pads, and even an extra house key, having a small bag full of small necessities will be a lifesaver for yourself or a friend. Apart from carrying a make-up bag, having an emergency kit with you is a great habit to have and can save you from embarrassing moments or even make you a hero!

Make this kit for emergency moments – you can use a small cosmetic bag or a pencil bag filled with what you think you can use in any given emergency. Make it small enough to fit in your purse or backpack and try not to stuff large items into it as it is meant to only rescue you for a short time. Items you might want to consider are:

Chapstick/Lip Balm: Lost your chapstick? Oh wait! You got one!

Mini perfume bottle: Sweaty from soccer practice? No problem, you got this! Remember, a little goes a long way!

Maxi pads/tampons: It’s that time of the month for your friend, you’re getting ready for volleyball practice and she forgot her essentials!

Granola bar: Did you stay longer to finish a project after school? Don’t go hungry, get your snack!

Money: Carrying a few dollars in cash always comes in handy!

Mini sewing kit: Your pants lost a button!? It’s ok, you got a needle, thread and even extra buttons!

House Key: You forgot your key and now you’re locked out of your own house! Not anymore!

Phone Numbers: Having cell phones prevents us from knowing phone numbers so write down important phone numbers in case your phone runs out of battery.

Facial oil pads: Your go-to so you won’t have an oily face! (Gift wrapping tissue paper works the same!)

Band-Aids: Great for paper cuts, broken nails, or itchy scratches! Don’t let your cuts get infected!

Hair ties/bobby pins: They always come in handy because they always disappear.

Underwear: What? Yes, underwear! Life happens, accidents happen. Roll it up and tape it into a burrito! It’s in your emergency kit so no one will know!

Pain Relievers: Carry only what’s necessary (2 pills) to take care of a headache or cramps. You got this!

Hand sanitizer: The flu is going around and not everyone washes their hands. Sanitize and stay away from germs!

Customize your kit for school or after-school practices and even an event. Travel size and sample items make a great size for your kit depending on how big or small you want it to be. They also make great gifts for your friends and can be created in different colors and sizes. Whether it’s you or your friend having an emergency, it’ll come to the rescue!

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